The feminist conversation is led by white women. Their voices are the loudest and their struggles are the most recognised. This means that many marginalised voices go unheard.


This brief called for an idea to include all women in the feminist conversation.


Where better to start than the number one place opinions are voiced and issues are discussed – social media. On social media certain voices have widespread reach and influence, which led to the creative idea.


Raise Her Voice – the ultimate social media takeover. High profile people were invited to lend their social channels to women of every race, sexual orientation, age, economic status, religion and ability, giving them voice to influence the feminist conversation.

Social media: Influential people lent their social platforms to amplify the voices of marginalised women in the feminist conversation. And everyday people joined the cause – lending their voice to female friends by handing over control to their Facebook page. These were very warranted Facebook hacks.


TV: Brands were invited to lend their advertising space, which we used to run quiet TV ads that encouraged the audience to turn the volume up.


Digital screens: Passers-by were invited to engage with the campaign by plugging in their headphones, swiping the slider to turn up the volume, and then listening to the woman’s story.

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Spotify: The volume of tracks by female artists from diverse backgrounds were set low. A message from the artists prompted users to turn the sound up.


When a woman has the opportunity to raise her voice, she adds her unique perspective to the feminist conversation. And with each voice, the volume increases.